Thursday, November 15, 2007

Puzzling Together

We just finished a puzzle that Tim and Danielle sent home with us. It is a "Wasgij" puzzle, in other words the picture isn't on the front of the box, the puzzle is what the people on the box are looking at! It was crazy and we spent about 3 days on it.... I just needed to get it done because I was hooked every time I sat down! So when the kids came home from school everybody worked on it and we finished it!

I was pretty impressed with Mitchell and Brayden (Mitchell's friend) who for 2 little 8 year old boys were pretty amazing because they sat and worked on this for about 2 hours! Brayden does puzzles at home obviously! They had such fun and really did find lots of pieces.

I love puzzles because it brings back wonderful memories of my Mom and I working on puzzles together! It is such nice family time and I can remember spending hours with Mom just talking while we did puzzles...... she heard all about Don and then some when I was home for the summer engaged to him but oh so far away! So puzzle time is family bonding time.......

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