Friday, February 17, 2012


So HAPPY to take engagement pictures today of my sweet Melodie and her fiance Kevin Smith! We went out by the river here in Kamloops taking the airport road and I had a wonderful time! I think the two kiddos got a little cold but they were good sports and humoured me. The hardest part was stopping them from laughing long enough to snap a picture.

After having a picture taken off my blog last year without permission by Van Print in Vancouver (see my post here Egg Nog Model), I decided I better put my signature on all of my pictures. I will just have to figure out a quick way to do that. In these pictures I used a lot of Pioneer Woman actions and had such fun with them.

HAD to put some TRUCK pictures in....Kevin with his trucks!

The most snow we've had all month came yesterday, just before picture day....

Loved the Valentine roses!

A lot of history in this chair, personally made by Kevin...given to Melodie as a gift!

Melodie's gorgeous ring that she was super happy with!

Another MATHIESON wedding is coming up soon on April 21st, 2012!


Maggie said...

Love these!

Ed :) said...

The Chair ones best ;)

Sandra Cantin said...

I am partial to the truck ones... but really Kasandra ALL your photos are amazing!

Hannah Clark said...

These are absolutely gorgeous! I love the one through the truck window the best! You are so talented!!!

Busymomof2 said...

Gorgeous pictures! Couldn't tell you which one I like the best! All of them are AWESOME! Great job, Kasandra!

thismama said...

The one of them siiting on the tailgate!

Unknown said...

The top pic is our favourite. That being said I'm partial to close ups and they are all amazing.

Unknown said...

The top pic is our favourite. That being said I'm partial to close ups and they are all amazing.

Kathy Cholette said...


Laurie Hirsche said...

These are amazing, where were you when I needed engagement and wedding photo's?!?!? I love the one with the red railing or whatever it is in the background! But honestly it is so hard to decide because your daughter is drop dead gorgeous!!!!!

shirley said...

Beautiful pics Kas! My favorite is the 2nd one down, with the horizontal planks behind them. Kevin's horizontal red stripe is mimicked in the planks behind them --- I love that one!

shirley said...

...and I love the way both of them are looking into the camera. We had a few invitations sent to us where we could see only one face clearly, while the other person had just a side profile. for those who can't come to the wedding, it's nice to see the couple so clearly.

Danielle Mathieson Pederson said...

Loved them all but the one with the ring in the rose is gorgeous. You're amazingly talented Mom! said...

Wow - what a great job on the pictures - they are amazing!!


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