I was involved with the back up crew this year, which was a new endeavour for me as well. I worked with my friend Deanne to provide the food for the trip and so did a lot of shopping, organizing and worrying. I was happy with how things turned out and have to admit, I was especially grateful for all the hard work that each member of our back up crew did. There was a spirit of love and camaraderie that you can't find anywhere else and what a stupendous blessing it was to be a part of it.
I had two of my children involved in this year's trek and they embraced it wholeheartedly...they were enthusiastic and helpful but they learned a lot as well. They were put in different families and were given a wonderful "Ma and Pa!" They had so many stories to tell when it was over...and I know that their testimonies of the experience were strengthened immensely. I love them dearly and was so grateful they had this opportunity. Here are just a few of the many pictures I attempted to capture:
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