I was so happy to be able to take Alyssa and Brant's engagement pictures last December when they were in town for Alyssa's brother's wedding. They were a wonderful couple to work with, fun, happy and definitely in love which made it easy. I use Aperture to process my pictures and Photoshop CS3 to work with them. I've also included several shots that have
CoffeeShop BW Actions on them.
Alyssa is the daughter of some of our best friends and she has grown up with my children! I remember her as a baby, a toddler and then as a young woman and now she will be getting married this month. Time goes so fast! This is why I love to take pictures...they freeze time for a few minutes so we can remember the happy times, the loving times and the times we do not want to forget. They capture who we are at this brief moment!
Here are a beautiful couple in love and starry eyed...my favourite pictures to take!
For other engagement pictures see: