Sunday, January 02, 2011

Rich, rich Mitchell

One of my favourite Christmas stories this year is the money that Mitchell made with his paper route! Christmas is always nice because people will sometimes include a little extra money in a Christmas card for their newspaper carrier. The most I have made in the years I have been doing it is about $60. This year a friend told me that her son gave out Christmas cards and so I told Mitchell that maybe he should do that.
The day before we left for Calgary Mitchell sat down and started writing out Christmas cards to his paper people, after 5 he stopped because his hand hurt. I encouraged him to do it while he was watching a movie and so that's what he did. He wrote out 36 cards and then he and his Dad delivered them the next morning just before we left. When we got back he received two more tips but it wasn't until we got our map and keys back from the Piersons (who subbed for us) that we found out they had collected 5 more cards for Mitchell. To our amazement, he made $180 in tips this Christmas, more than he makes delivering the papers. He was one happy boy!! I think it will give him incentive to keep going. His customers are sure happy with him. I am too, he sets his alarm and gets up every morning at 6am without us telling him too. He has been very faithful and I think they all appreciated it! So glad he is a hard worker!!

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