We just got back from a funeral in
Kelowna today. I found out yesterday morning that my friend Nadine's grandson, Jacob had passed away 7 days after he was born from the same genetic disease that his older sister had. I really felt like I needed to go down to support Nadine who has been such a good friend to me, I knew she must be hurting for her daughter Shauna and son-in-law Jordan. Luckily I was able to get hold of my friend Carole Wilson who suggested I drive down last night so that we wouldn't be so tired this morning. So that's what we did, drove down last night and what was even nicer was that Vanessa did the driving!! Rebecca wanted to come along as well so she could visit with Kristina Wilson and Michelle Edis. It was the most beautiful funeral, heartwrenching but oh so wonderful. Lots of speakers who touched on the faith and strength of the young couple going through this. It was a beautiful tribute.

Couldn't resist taking a picture of the
Wilson's new house in Kelowna! They have lived here in Kelowna for years but then moved to White Rock last year for about 6 months but because of Colin's job were able to move back. So here is their new house which has a pool and a big outdoor deck which is perfect because Carole loves to entertain!
Carole and I who have been best buds for years now! She makes me laugh and is one of the kindest persons I know! She never wants anyone to feel left out...maybe that's why I love her so much. I also like to call her "tour guide Barbie" because she is this total vacation planning guru! She loves to get on her computer and find all kinds of deals for sweet vacations and then is forever telling me new finds that she discovers! She is one of the reasons we went to Hawaii and while there, not only went to the Polynesian Cultural Centre but went surfing with "Surfin Suzi"!

So glad I was able to get a picture of Nadine with her daughter Shauna. It must have been a rough day for them but they had such a loving spirit about them. The Edis family is such an example of love and courage. I worked with Nadine in Young Women for 4 years and she has such a calm, patient air about her. I was especially blessed to go on a trip to Europe with her and we had such fun. I keep hoping that one of her five boys will take a look at one of my girls but it hasn't happened yet!

Rebecca with cute
Michelle Edis! I just wish I could have had Kristina in the picture as well but she wasn't here. So glad Rebecca has fun, good girls that she likes to hang out with!