I wanted to learn how to make reflective type in Photoshop because I saw this on the news today, loved how they made this font. Found this tutorial that was perfect and made it easy... http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photoshop-text/text-effects/text-reflection/
Thursday, November 11, 2010
WE REMEMBER.........how grateful I am for a wonderful husband and amazing children, a new grandbaby, a daughter serving a mission, family and friends who support and love us and........ the wonderful men and women who fought and died to keep our country free and make all this possible! It's a remembering sort of day...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Flowers for ME???
"Flowers for me!! How kind!" says Don to Vanessa's newest beau (Scott Pierson) who is standing nervously at the door with a beautiful bouquet of flowers......it will be a miracle if we get them all married off with DAD looming at the door!! "Boys, boys, boys....why do we have to have more boys around here?" is his favourite question. ...I will be answering for more times than I can count....."BECAUSE we had 4 girls!!"
What's really funny is that when Don was over at the Piersons later that night.....apparently Scott had asked his Mom, what should I do if Don answers the door and she said, well give him the flowers!!
What's really funny is that when Don was over at the Piersons later that night.....apparently Scott had asked his Mom, what should I do if Don answers the door and she said, well give him the flowers!!
Thursday, October 07, 2010
New Scrapbooking Techniques
I was working on some new techniques this morning using Designer Digital videos http://www.youtube.com/user/DesignerDigitals#p/u/6/DbcynExgUK0
and loved this big letter look! Then found this totally cute picture of Mitchell that I took at Christmas last year and decided to use it. I also learned to make text look like stickers and fill the loops by taking Jessica Spragues Photoshop Friday #18 class http://www.jessicasprague.com/. As you can see, I have spent too much time on the computer this morning, but it was sure fun!
and loved this big letter look! Then found this totally cute picture of Mitchell that I took at Christmas last year and decided to use it. I also learned to make text look like stickers and fill the loops by taking Jessica Spragues Photoshop Friday #18 class http://www.jessicasprague.com/. As you can see, I have spent too much time on the computer this morning, but it was sure fun!
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Everett at 4 months
Saturday, August 21, 2010
It's A Decluttering Sort of Day
I wish I could say that I clean every day, especially that I declutter every day!! That would be half the battle of keeping my house presentable. Today I feel like decluttering, YEAH. I want to get rid of stuff that I don't need, want or even use. There is too much stuff that I might use someday...but I never do!!!
So today I am throwing away:
1. Old envelopes that I keep for the addresses that I might someday send a wedding present that I meant to.
2. A bag full of thin cardboard paper that I have collected from the ones that Costco uses to protect my 12x12 pages.
3. Clothes that are too small, that no I will never fit into again, like I'm going to lose 25 pounds!!
4. Shoe boxes that I will never use
5. Stacks of school notes that the kids have not looked at in 3 years.....
So today I am throwing away:
1. Old envelopes that I keep for the addresses that I might someday send a wedding present that I meant to.
2. A bag full of thin cardboard paper that I have collected from the ones that Costco uses to protect my 12x12 pages.
3. Clothes that are too small, that no I will never fit into again, like I'm going to lose 25 pounds!!
4. Shoe boxes that I will never use
5. Stacks of school notes that the kids have not looked at in 3 years.....
Friday, August 20, 2010
Quiet Day
As much as I enjoyed going to the movies last night with friends (we went and saw Eat, Pray, Love) I don't think I better go to the late one anymore! I have been tired and lethargic all day...it's been tough to get anything done. Lots of business meetings with Darren this morning since Don is out of town, I learned lots.....most of all I learned how little I know!!
I miss my men. Don and Mitchell went out camping with the Scouts last night and don't get back until tomorrow. I bet they are having lots of fun, Mitchell was pretty excited to go. Don will have lots of work when he gets back, we will need to set up the new desks. Will include a picture when I get them set up. I've decided to write whether I have a picture or not. I was trying to blog with a picture all the time but then I wouldn't write at all, so this is better.
I miss my Melodie, some days worse than others.
I miss my men. Don and Mitchell went out camping with the Scouts last night and don't get back until tomorrow. I bet they are having lots of fun, Mitchell was pretty excited to go. Don will have lots of work when he gets back, we will need to set up the new desks. Will include a picture when I get them set up. I've decided to write whether I have a picture or not. I was trying to blog with a picture all the time but then I wouldn't write at all, so this is better.
I miss my Melodie, some days worse than others.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Well I spent all day painting the office yesterday but I love the colour and am so grateful I got it done in one day!! It's been in desperate need of an overhaul especially when I found out we are putting in new desks! I am super happy to have it look better, it's always looked kind of awful with old unmatched desks that we have had for years! What a lot of work because so much junk piles up in an office so not only did we have to move everything to paint but I am going to have to major declutter, which is actually good. Thank goodness I talked to Jen Oviatt because she mentioned that she puts on the second coat as soon as it's dry....I was planning on having to do it today. It was so hot yesterday that the paint was almost drying as I put it on so yeah, I just finished it all with Rebecca and Don's help!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Camping at Monck Park

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Bright happy girls together again, just missing Melodie and Vanessa!
Friday, August 06, 2010
Getting to the Cayman Islands
Here we are on the plane flying from Calgary to Dallas, Texas, then on to Miami. Our last flight went from
Miami to Grand Cayman Islands! It was quite the long day for us especially since we didn't get much sleep the night before. We had to be at the airport by 5am on Wednesday because our flight left at 7. Danielle bless her heart drove us to the airport. We arrived in Georgetown at about 8pm and Darren was there to meet us at the airport!

Here is the beautiful kitchen equipped with everything you need whether you want to cook or eat out. It has dishes, appliances and is completely set up. It even has a garbage disposal! Have to admit, it's even nicer than my kitchen at home.
Big gorgeous kitchen table which it usually filled with our books since 2 people don't take up much room!
Thought our kids might like to see the 2 bedrooms that come with the condo!

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This is the beautiful view from our back door! The sand is amazing...and Don quickly found crabs and geckos.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Heading out Camping
It's Thursday night and I am home with Mitchell watching Kung Fu Panda because everyone else is gone! Don took Danielle and Everett out to Monk Park to start our camping weekend. They are meeting the Wilsons there to reserve our campsite. I am still here because Mitchell has one more day of basketball camp and Rebecca is still at girls camp, although I will pick her up tomorrow. What a crazy day of packing and getting them ready to go....thank goodness we have 2 vehicles this year, we forget how much stuff you need with a baby! We are looking forward to it though! It will be fun to camp with the Wilsons (apparently the Edis' and the Lamb's are coming out as well). Will be sure to post pictures....
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Phone call from J. Bieber
Today was a busy day but am sure happy that: 1. Even though Don was in Clearwater we can still visit lots on the phone! 2. My young women worked hard tonight at helping with a move, bless their hearts. 3. Last of all, surprised to know that J. BIEBER phoned our house tonight but Rebecca was absolutely thrilled..........too bad it was Brother Bieber from Vernon who was phoning me!
Am including my post on facebook today. Have been following the three grateful ideas for awhile but ready to start something new although it has certainly made it easier to post. Tonight I had to really laugh when Rebecca came barreling up the stairs yelling, Mom, Mom guess who phoned??????
Wanted to mention that I found these free photoshop actions at Pioneer Woman's website and am loving trying them. This picture has had the "boost, colorized and burnt edges" actions done to it. Makes it fun to make the pictures pop.
Am including my post on facebook today. Have been following the three grateful ideas for awhile but ready to start something new although it has certainly made it easier to post. Tonight I had to really laugh when Rebecca came barreling up the stairs yelling, Mom, Mom guess who phoned??????
Wanted to mention that I found these free photoshop actions at Pioneer Woman's website and am loving trying them. This picture has had the "boost, colorized and burnt edges" actions done to it. Makes it fun to make the pictures pop.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Melodie's First Pictures!!!
So happy to finally get some pictures from Melodie! She sent them with a Happy Birthday letter to Mitchell which arrived minus the CTR ring she sent (someone must have taken it out...Mitchell thought it was ironic that someone stole a "Choose the Right" ring!).

Melodie has been able to go to about 5 temples since she left on her mission and she loves going. She took our her endowments in Seattle and then went again a week later with Mikael Lamb (just a friend!!!). She visited the Salt Lake Temple the day before she entered the MTC and went to the Draper, Utah temple with her friend Caitlin that Wednesday morning. While in the MTC, she went to the Provo temple a couple of times and now that she is in Peru she has been going to the Lima Peru temple!
Here she is with some of the other Sisters in her district, they were all Spanish speaking but only two were going to Peru. All the others were state side. She learned a lot; I think most of all she is learning to make friends quickly and then learn to let them go.
Hermana Mathieson with her district. She writes that she is an "exact rule" kind of missionara...made me laugh, not surprised! She will definitely keep those Elders in line and tell them what to do. I want you to know that she gets her "bossiness" from her DAD, lol.
We are so proud of her and grateful to have her serving a mission!
Friday, April 23, 2010
"Each Life That Touches Ours For Good"

So glad I was able to get a picture of Nadine with her daughter Shauna. It must have been a rough day for them but they had such a loving spirit about them. The Edis family is such an example of love and courage. I worked with Nadine in Young Women for 4 years and she has such a calm, patient air about her. I was especially blessed to go on a trip to Europe with her and we had such fun. I keep hoping that one of her five boys will take a look at one of my girls but it hasn't happened yet!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Baby Everett Album

Monday, April 19, 2010
A new Grandson!
I am posting some pictures of my new grandson, Everett Donald Chlifton Pederson who was born on March 27, almost 3 weeks early! He was 7 lb. 5 oz and was a happy addition to our family. In fact his aunts were ecstatic to hear he was here and Mitchell was just happy to have another boy in the family.

Friday, April 16, 2010
Hearing from Mel
We were so happy to hear from Melodie yesterday! We finally received an email. Apparently her Pdays are on Thursday even though she couldn't write last week. She is working hard, already praying and bearing testimony in Spanish and was asked to give a talk on Sunday( in English which she was grateful for!) . She sounds excited and loves the 5 girls she is rooming with. Apparently four of them are staying in the States while her and her companion Sister Sessions are both going to Peru. She is taking lots of classes and is being teased because of her Canadian accent! I'm guessing she will lose that once she is actually speaking Spanish all the time! We had to laugh because everyone was amazed at how little luggage she had! Don said she was bringing an orca suitcase and that she had too much stuff and I was sure that she would need at least those two! Grateful that she is receiving our letters thanks to dearelder.com. Because I am in Calgary right now visiting with Danielle, Don sent her email here to Danielle. She sounds so happy! Here is a picture we took on Dec. 31 when she first received her call to Lima, Peru!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Airport Memories
I just love Cathy Zielske's templates, the importance of pictures and journaling and then the embellishments. I just love the look so when I sat down to scrapbook a page about Melodie leaving I found a template that worked perfectly and I was so happy with the page. It was kind of therapeutic to do as well, because I was able to grieve a little while I worked. I plan on putting it into Mel's mission book when she gets home but for now... how grateful I am for a creative outlet that makes me so happy in the midst of my sadness!
I really was grateful for all the wonderful people who came to see Melodie off at the airport and so I wanted a reminder of that. This day was a long time coming, but now we can't believe she's gone...for 18 months to Lima, Peru!
I really was grateful for all the wonderful people who came to see Melodie off at the airport and so I wanted a reminder of that. This day was a long time coming, but now we can't believe she's gone...for 18 months to Lima, Peru!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Her very first TRY
Still missing Melodie today! Didn't have much time to think what with work, Rebecca's rugby game and our youth dance practice! But words that made me laugh today: "I'm kind of mad and proud all at the same time!" said Vanessa about her little sister Rebecca making her very first "try" in her very first rugby game as a Grade 8 player!
Monday, March 22, 2010
"This must be Sister Mathieson!"
Sometimes your heart is so full, it's hard to find the words and this was one of those times for me. March 12, 2010 was a precious weekend as we joined our daughter Melodie as she went through the Seattle temple for the first time. It was a spiritual, uplifting time, as we bonded together as family. We look forward to the day when all of our children are with us. "This must be Sister Mathieson!" said one of the sweet ladies that greeted us and from then on she was taken care of every step of the way. So glad to have a compassionate, dedicated daughter who loves the Saviour. We will so miss her when she leaves on her mission to Lima, Peru but we know she will be changing lives!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What are 3 things you want to remember?
I was visiting with our missionaries the other day because Elder Serdar was transferred to Sydney and we were talking about journals. They both struggle with journal writing and I encouraged them to write three things every day that they would want to remember. It made me think that I should focus on that more: What are three things that I want to remember about today?
First, Vanessa and I went to see a new dentist, Dr. Kiss to discuss getting her wisdom teeth extracted. I was a little nervous about going to a new office but was really impressed with their care and concern. I really enjoyed the visit, found out that because they do it in the surgical centre it is covered by MSP which is a big relief. I just wish they were closer than Valleyview because I would probably go visit them more often. I think Vanessa feels better about the whole experience now that they have explained it.
Second, I was grateful today to make supper for a friend who is having her kitchen renovated, I know it has been really stressful for her and so it was nice to take the time to do that. I am sorry that people find it so hard sometimes to accept help, "we are our brother's keeper!" I need to make sure I do it more often. It was especially fun to come home and find a plate of cookies with a "thank you" note from a friend who we helped move!
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Big Eddy Campground
Couldn't resist playing with this picture especially since I just found some new overlays by Ali Edwards called AE Celebrate Family Title and Journal Blocks.
So glad I wrote on the back of one of these pictures or I would never have remembered that this was taken at Big Eddy Campground in Vernonia, Oregon when we lived in Forest Grove while Don was in school. Camping was one of our favourite holidays because it was affordable! There were so many beautiful campgrounds around there and we used to love going out to the ocean, I think Don still really misses it. Love this picture of my girls......back when it was just them and we didn't know that 2 more little ones would come along. My three beautiful girls.....
So glad I wrote on the back of one of these pictures or I would never have remembered that this was taken at Big Eddy Campground in Vernonia, Oregon when we lived in Forest Grove while Don was in school. Camping was one of our favourite holidays because it was affordable! There were so many beautiful campgrounds around there and we used to love going out to the ocean, I think Don still really misses it. Love this picture of my girls......back when it was just them and we didn't know that 2 more little ones would come along. My three beautiful girls.....
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Clay and Shirley
Looking through old pictures, I found this sweet one of Clay and Shirley I took before they were married. Clay and Don were good friends and he came and stayed with us for awhile so he could date this cute girl in town! What I remember most was that he had decided to not kiss her until it was over the alter in the temple...and we used to laugh because he would come back to our house and anguish over how hard it was not to kiss her, but he kept his promise and I think their first kiss was over the alter! Now isn't that amazing......
They live in Magrath now where Clay is serving as a Bishop, they have 4 children and their oldest Natalie just got married......hard to believe that this wasn't just yesterday.
I had fun quickly photoshopping this picture, I want to try scrapbooking more and just using pictures sometimes.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Seattle Temple Trip 2010
So grateful we could join the youth on their temple trip last weekend. It was our last Stake Temple trip because our new one in Langley is being dedicated this May. There wasn't room on the bus so Don and I drove down in our van with the Fraziers. I'm glad I could be there with Rebecca, I coudn't be there for her first trip so this was a wonderful memory for me. I think she had a great time.....
My fourth baby girl who is no longer a baby!
Couldn't resist taking this picture of the twins, Katelyn and Alyssa Chenuz, they are such sweethearts. I was bummed because I didn't have my SLR with me and my little Canon has been giving me trouble lately. Sometimes it turns on, sometimes it doesn't. Well it wasn't working until everyone had already posed, then of course it worked after....so I just had to get a few pictures in before we went inside. I wasn't very good about getting pictures this trip, sometimes I really work at and sometimes I don't.
Also, crazy I know but I was happy to stop at Costco and buy cheese! It's so much cheaper in the States.....I think I bought like 30 lbs!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Movie Making
What a day! I have been worried and dreading this job I was asked to do by the Relief Society. My Vanessa (who is on the Enrichment Committee) came home and asked me if I would put together a slide show for the March Relief Society Dinner. My first reaction was dismay........and I wanted to say NO. With a missionary leaving, a grandbaby coming and being in Young Women with the Youth Temple Celebration coming up (they asked me to be on the committee for costumes) I just did not want one more thing on my plate but when I prayed about it and thought about it, I really felt like I needed to try. I love scrapbooking but have never made a movie with my pictures, just pages. I knew that this would force me to learn new things!
A couple of things took me by surprise, first of all I found out that this slide show is for both wards because it is a combined dinner and second, men kept coming up to me in church and taking me aside to quietly give me pictures of their wives, a little disconcerting but fun. They make me laugh......some of the pictures are wonderful, some are awful. How do I tell these sweet fellows that women want flattering pictures, not pictures with their mouths open, messy kitchens in the background, pictures with red eyes.......I have been collecting pictures for the last few weeks and also found out that they were given a deadline for the middle of February. Thank goodness for the RS Pres. because that means I have a month to put it together.
So it has been on my to do list for days and I have been working on the pictures but have been so intimidated by the movie part until today! Mitchell was home from school sick today so I had to stay home from work......so I decided to tackle it for 15 minutes and I ended working on it for almost 3 hours and I absolutely LOVE it! It's almost done and I feel so good about it. I used Windows Movie Maker, plugged in all the pictures, made transitions.....even found music in Vanessa's list and voila, a RS movie!!! When I was done I went through both wards and tried to write everyone I thought was missing and emailed the ladies about it. What made such a difference is that I have taken so many pictures over the years of the sisters at Relief Society that I was able to use a lot of my own.
So I felt empowered today, so grateful that I can keep learning new things and for a Father in Heaven who knows what I can do even when I don't know myself! I am looking forward to giving this as a gift to the sisters here in Kamloops.....
A couple of things took me by surprise, first of all I found out that this slide show is for both wards because it is a combined dinner and second, men kept coming up to me in church and taking me aside to quietly give me pictures of their wives, a little disconcerting but fun. They make me laugh......some of the pictures are wonderful, some are awful. How do I tell these sweet fellows that women want flattering pictures, not pictures with their mouths open, messy kitchens in the background, pictures with red eyes.......I have been collecting pictures for the last few weeks and also found out that they were given a deadline for the middle of February. Thank goodness for the RS Pres. because that means I have a month to put it together.
So it has been on my to do list for days and I have been working on the pictures but have been so intimidated by the movie part until today! Mitchell was home from school sick today so I had to stay home from work......so I decided to tackle it for 15 minutes and I ended working on it for almost 3 hours and I absolutely LOVE it! It's almost done and I feel so good about it. I used Windows Movie Maker, plugged in all the pictures, made transitions.....even found music in Vanessa's list and voila, a RS movie!!! When I was done I went through both wards and tried to write everyone I thought was missing and emailed the ladies about it. What made such a difference is that I have taken so many pictures over the years of the sisters at Relief Society that I was able to use a lot of my own.
So I felt empowered today, so grateful that I can keep learning new things and for a Father in Heaven who knows what I can do even when I don't know myself! I am looking forward to giving this as a gift to the sisters here in Kamloops.....
Monday, February 15, 2010
Grade 8 Brocklehurst Secondary Student Speakers!
Rebecca and Tatiana Stone put together a speech to give at the school board presentation held at Brock last Tuesday. School District 73 wants to change Brock and Norkam making them a middle school and high school. The girls are concerned as to how they are going to be able to do this in regards to all the sports teams when none of the other schools in town will be changed. We were so proud of them, they were the youngest ones there and they both got up and spoke clearly, concisely and brought up some good points. It was pretty brave of them and I think this opportunity gives them more confidence. This was after Rebecca wrote a letter that was published in the Saturday Daily News that concerned the same issues.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
My Valentine of 25 years!
Happy Valentine's Day to my sweet valentine of 25 years! We actually spent time together yesterday seeing the movie "Sherlock Holmes" (my choice because Mel highly recommended it) and then appies at Boston Pizza. Today we were in church listening to wonderful talks on opening your heart and hearing the most beautiful song "Lord, My Redeemer" by Kamloops 1st Ward missionary Elder Furr.
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