Monday, June 04, 2007

Isobel Lake

So this is Mitchell's class on a field trip to Isobel Lake. Here he is with his best buddy Brayden Flodstrom. I almost didn't make it, still have lots to do, but Brayden's Mom, Shauna was driving down and asked if I wanted to go with I was glad I went.......don't think I've missed too many field trips and once you get out there, its just so nice to be out in the woods!

This is Mitchell with his wonderful teacher Mrs. Ann Davis. She has been such a sweetie and just loves Mitchell! What I am really impressed with is that Ann's husband George is a retired teacher (I've heard....) and so he is often in class with her helping, taking pictures, doing whatever needs to be done. He was on this trip helping Mitchell has been pretty lucky this year, two teachers for the price of one, lol..........

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