It was General Conference this weekend and Rebecca took a picture of Don and I heading out the door with the family. This is one of the few times we get to sit together since Don is usually sitting on the stand so it was nice to be with him.
We both love Conference, funny I don't remember if we were as dedicated about making every session when we were first married....I think we would just watch what we could but now we just absolutely try not to miss anything. We're always disappointed when Don has to work, but we don't schedule anything else Conference weekend.
On Saturday, the little ones and I watched it on the computer..... they love to do it this way because they get out their blankets, colouring books and drawing paper and we all hang out in the study to watch it. Don takes the older girls, Melodie and Vanessa to the chapel to watch it ( he likes to make sure its all set up right.....) and then on Sunday we all head to the chapel for both sessions.

I think we have so many favourite speakers we just can't bear to miss any of them! Always love to hear from President Gordon B. Hinckley, he is 96 and still going strong, his sense of humour is still so sharp. One of my favourites is Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and he spoke about the tongue and how it is a force of good or bad, it was such a wonderful talk..... then there's Elder Bednar with his way with words, Elder Eyring who just touches your heart...... Elder Oaks spoke today on divorce and it was such an amazing talk on marriage as well......Elder Faust spoke right to my heart on forgiveness!! So we just can't miss any of it. I later find when I read the Conference issue of the Ensign I can hear their voice in my head as they were speaking! What's also neat about this time, is that Don and the girls were trying to be the first one to guess the scripture references when the apostles were quoting a scripture........good practice!
We want our children to love listening to the prophets and have wonderful memories of Conference.....so we talk about it lots and try to make it fun and stress its importance! I'll never forget being in the tabernacle when I was a student at Ricks and President Kimball walked in.......everyone was on their feet and there was this awesome silence.........a tangible Spirit filled that place and I knew I was in the presence of the Lord's prophet. I have never forgotten that feeling. Another amazing moment for me was listening to Elder Bruce R. McConkie's last testimony in April 1985 just before he passed away! His voice held such passion as he testified of the Saviour. So General Conference for me is a world time out, an amazing testimony builder and a time of learning and growing spiritually stronger.......
Next.......here's Vanessa looking thrilled by our freak snow storm....

Tonight.....it started to snow big fat flakes.......ughhhhhh..........we want spring, we were just raking the lawn yesterday! I don't think it will last long, just enough to put more water in our pool liner that we have to pump out in the next few weeks, hopefully it hasn't frozen the buds on our cherry trees...........