I am writing about a couple of Christmas memories that I have from my childhood and luckily I actually have pictures of them.
I can't even remember where this was taken but I do know that I had been asked to be in a Christmas play at school (I think I was in Grade 1) and my Mom was asked to work on my costume. She spent several hours making this dress out of tissue paper and I thought it was so pretty! I loved the garland on the bottom.....unfortunately as soon as I put in on I wanted to take it right off because it was "picky"!!! My poor Mom would not budge, I was wearing that costume no matter what....... according to my Mom I complained about it all night but apparently I looked beautiful on stage!
Here we are Josee, Eddie and I (Kasandra) posing for a Christmas picture! I do know this picture was taken in our house on Cortez Island in British Columbia. We lived here for several years, where we were close to my Mom's family. Funny what pictures will bring to your memory..... I remember getting this barn as one of our Christmas presents and we were so excited, I don't remember who it was for. What I really remember is the curtains in the background (Mom must have found the material on sale, lol) because Mom sewed them and then would pack them up and put them up in whatever house we were in. I'm glad we look so happy, I have lots of happy memories of Cortez Island but some real sad ones as well...... thank goodness my parents tried to instill happy Christmas memories in us!
So Christmas resolve: take pictures of special presents this year and realize that it only takes one really good one to have Christmas be memorable!!
Rebecca will be here next year.........sure miss Danielle!!
That's looks totally crazy......... like I said this is my ideal list, I am just happy to cross some of them off!! My first ones are ones I do every morning, the second half is the one that changes depending on the day. Also this is basically what I try to take care of while everybody is gone to work or school, I will add to my list if I have specific things at night like a PAC Mtg, piano lesson, or dance class but big things that I know I'll remember (like dinner out with Don!!) I don't always write down.
So there you have it, a day in my life........Wonder what this will look like when I'm 80!!
Dad was the traveller, nothing he liked better than driving somewhere! I think that's why we moved so many times. It helped in these later years because we would usually see him every couple of years even if he lived in Oklahoma because he would make the 3 days drive! He loved to visit and especially loved to come in fruit season, one year he picked 9 buckets of cherries off my tree all in a couple of hours, I had to tell him to stop! There was nothing he liked better than to pick apricots off the tree for breakfast to go with his coffee!
We will all miss him.........but I am sure he is in heaven driving somewhere! My heart goes out to my family and to Lee as we all go through this tough grieving time. No matter how prepared you think you are, it doesn't seem possible that we will never see Dad again in this life...........how can he not be pulling up in my driveway one last time...........