Here are Don and I in Winfield at a Stake Youth Activity this last weekend.

We had a big volleyball day on Saturday where we played regular volleyball, blind volleyball and glow in the dark volleyball. Since it was such a cold day we didn't have as many youth as we usually do, we run around 100-120 who come out to activities. We are in the Vernon, BC Stake and so most of our activities are about an hour and a half away. So we always need lots of drivers, our ward has about 25-30 youth that go, we are one of the biggest in our Stake. Since Don is Bishop he goes to most of them and he is so good with the kids, is always right in there playing and having a good time. Here he is with an old friend Bill Boyes, who is a counselor in the Young Men Presidency. I am with Nadine Edis, the Stake Young Women President and her counselor, Ladene Rempel, (missing is Bonnie Sherwood) and I am the secretary. It keeps us busy planning activities, leadership meetings and helping the ward Young Women Presidencies. We sure love working with the people we do, they are a real example of dedication and inspiration. Its always fun working with the youth (12-18), it certainly has its challenges, but they are so enthusiastic and busy that it keeps us on our toes. Right now Vanessa is our only Young Woman since both Danielle and Melodie graduated, but Rebecca will be coming up in a year and a half and then Mitchell will be in Young Men in about 4 years, so we will be driving that Vernon road for years to come!!