So happy to finally get some pictures from Melodie! She sent them with a Happy Birthday letter to Mitchell which arrived minus the CTR ring she sent (someone must have taken it out...Mitchell thought it was ironic that someone stole a "Choose the Right" ring!).

Melodie has been able to go to about 5 temples since she left on her mission and she loves going. She took our her endowments in Seattle and then went again a week later with Mikael Lamb (just a friend!!!). She visited the Salt Lake Temple the day before she entered the MTC and went to the Draper, Utah temple with her friend Caitlin that Wednesday morning. While in the MTC, she went to the Provo temple a couple of times and now that she is in Peru she has been going to the Lima Peru temple!
Here she is with some of the other Sisters in her district, they were all Spanish speaking but only two were going to Peru. All the others were state side. She learned a lot; I think most of all she is learning to make friends quickly and then learn to let them go.
Hermana Mathieson with her district. She writes that she is an "exact rule" kind of missionara...made me laugh, not surprised! She will definitely keep those Elders in line and tell them what to do. I want you to know that she gets her "bossiness" from her DAD, lol.
We are so proud of her and grateful to have her serving a mission!