Wanted to mention that my Danielle turned 22 this week on January 6th. When I was younger time seemed so slow, I used to roll my eyes when "old" people kept talking about how fast time went...... I don't roll my eyes anymore because I'm now one of them.

Danielle was actually not due until the second week of February but she came 5 weeks early. I went into labour 7 weeks early, just before Christmas and it was the scariest thing. I didn't know what was going on and had to be in the hospital where they tried to stop it....... she held off for a couple of weeks but then there was no stopping her and we had a brand new baby on January 6. Unfortunately she had trouble breathing and was only 4lb. 9oz..... so she was in the ICU for 2 weeks. I remember how hard it was when other babies would be wheeled into their mothers and I would have to slip on my hospital housecoat (nightgown turned backwards) and head on down to the ICU. I couldn't even nurse her for the first while because she was full of tubes and in the incubator. Pretty special moment whenever we were allowed to hold her. The nurses were so kind and caring........

Even though I was anxious to bring her home, that first day was so scary....... what did I know about a 5lb baby girl! Thank goodness the lovely nurses gave me their direct line to the ICU, because I called it a few times. She was so tiny and scrawny!! I know, I know but she was......had absolutely no meat on her bones, but oh we were so proud of her!

If Daddy was napping he made sure it was with Danielle, pretty hard to let her out of our sight that first few days. ( On a side note......ugly love seats, but they were free!)

Here we are with Don's family and our new little family! We were visiting with his Mom, Vera, sisters Jeannie and Kathy and nephews, Ryan, Cleve and Harrison. The cute little knitted outfit was from my mom, Reina Granger. Mom made me so many beautiful little outfits for my girls.
So Happy Late Birthday Danielle. We have been thinking of you this week...........