I'm including some pictures I took about a week ago when we went to Salmon Arm for Kevin Smith's farewell. He is heading out for his mission to Minneapolis, Minnesota in October and he is so excited!! Melodie is excited for him too but at the same time it will be pretty tough on her, she will miss him so much. They really are best friends! While he is on his mission they can write to each other but there will be no visiting and no talking on the phone for 2 years! So it will be interesting to see if this friendship/love will pass the test of time...... knowing the two of them, I don't really have any doubts but it's kind of funny how many people ask: "Will she wait for him?"
I don't know about these two, I think it's a man thing!!!
Melodie will need Vanessa, Danielle and Rebecca more in the months to come! Thank goodness for sisters!
We love the Smith family! Here I am with Kevin's mother Mary and his aunt Roxane. They had a houseful of family all wishing him well. These are two of the sweetest ladies you will ever meet!
Melodie with the help of her sisters had lots of fun making this candy gram. It's one of her specialties.....
Rebecca, Melodie and Miranda Poitrie. The Smiths have the most wonderful tradition. After dinner we all gathered in their living room and shared stories and advice with Kevin and what we admired about him. It was so inspiring, fun and touching and I hope he carries all our best wishes in his heart for the next two years!
We couldn't have done it without Aunt Kathy, bless her heart! She picked up Melodie from Victoria Friday night, brought her over on the ferry and then drove her here. They were here Saturday and Sunday and then headed back early Monday morning (at around 4) so that Melodie could be back in class Monday afternoon! Kathy said that Melodie must have thanked her 12 times, so that's good!.jpg)
Kevin with his sister Angela! I wish you could see them dance together, its just so fun to watch! Kevin is the youngest and last to serve a mission, he missed Angela and his brother Trevor who were gone at the same time something fierce...... so he will be missing them again! We will sure keep him in our thoughts and prayers. We know he will be an amazing missionary! He has an affinity for people that endears him to everyone!