For New Year's Eve we headed over to the Fraziers......we were down to 2 kids again! Melodie was in Kelowna with a big party that going on at the Edis house and Vanessa went to a party held at Laura Cleasby's so we had just our little ones.

As you can see everyone had lots of fun...... lots of eating and talking. The kids lasted better than we did as usual, they were wide awake and running around at midnight. In fact they were quite happy to run out into the road with pots and pans yelling "Happy New Year" with the Dads following. We have done this before, kind of glad we were doing it on the Fraziers street though, lol.

A new year ahead always makes me wonder what it has in store for us. Where will we go, what will we learn?
Will Tim and Danielle be okay? Where will they move to when their apartment contract comes up in June? Will Tim find a work focus he is happy with? Willl Danielle still be working for Justin by the end of the year? Will we be able to see them for a little while this summer?
What will happen to Melodie when she heads to Vancouver for 6 months to complete her practicum for respiratory therapy? How will she manage when Kevin heads out on his mission? Will she be able to work for a few months when she is done or will she head out on her mission right away?
Will Vanessa be able to pass her N so we can have another driver? Will she be able to pass her piano exams? She'll be starting Grade 12 this year and will need to start thinking about where she wants to go next year. Will she be able to make her Grad dress like she wants to?
Rebecca will be going into her last year of elementary! Will she continue in piano or will we be able to start her in voice lessons like I want to? I know she will be so happy to enter the Young Women program in June when she turns 12! Mitchell will be starting Grade 4 this fall, how will he do in soccer and swimming? He will be in Primary by himself for the first time when Rebecca moves up. Will he be willing to continue in piano?
Are we going to be able to do any renovations on the house? Will we be able to at least put in a shower and redo the bathtub? Will we be able to plan even one get away? Will Don still be serving as Bishop by the end of the year? Will there be any changes in the ward or its boundaries? Don wants to be able to buy a truck and can we pay off his business loan by the end of the year?
Will I be able to find a part time job that I like? Will I be able to keep writing as consistently as I can? Will I still be serving as Stake YW Secretary for the rest of the year? Will I be able to try and fit at least one learning class this year? Will I start scrapbooking again, get some sewing projects done?
Lots of things to think about and do in 2008! Looking forward to what will happen in this new year!!