Don and I just returned from a quick weekend in Calgary. We really wanted to visit with Danielle and Tim because we hadn't seen them in a while so we decided to leave Friday right after work and then come back Monday. It was tons of driving because we also picked up Danielle and drove down to Cardston for a visit to the temple on Saturday. I wasn't thinking though because I hardly took any pictures and of course thought of it just as we were leaving! Since Danielle and Tim had just got up they really didn't want any pictures taken of them, surprise, surprise but I did get some of Don and I!

Here we are in Canmore where we stopped Friday night. The mountains are soooo beautiful (not our car!!) but driving in the dark we didn't get to see much.

Behind me are the mountains called the Three Sisters, we have a beautiful picture of our older three girls in front of it when we stayed with the LeMays who used to live in Canmore! (I need to scan it and put it on my computer!)

This is Monday morning at Tim and Danielle's apartment before we left. Danielle has beautiful framed pictures all over! She gave me a great 5 ingredient recipe for chili, easy.... just the kind I like. We also learned how to play the Settlers of Zarahemla while we were there. They are great game gurus!!!

On the way home Don and I hit terrible wind storms and then snow storms. These pictures were taken at Rogers Pass on Monday..... there was very little snow when we went through on Friday so they must have had lots over the weekend. So glad Don was driving!!!

We were so grateful to have Terry, Mary and Kevin Smith (in Salmon Arm) take our kids for the weekend. Mary had her two little grandsons over so Mitchell was just tickled to be an older brother for a few days. Apparently Kevin, his dad Terry, and Terry's Dad all went goose hunting and they took Melodie with them.......she didn't really want to shoot so she ended up being the retriever and had to go get the geese after they had been shot. Then she and Vanessa spent several hours helping by plucking the feathers and down off of them. Quite the experience for two town girls!! Now they know why as a country kid growing up and plucking chickens on the farm I am happy to go and buy them from the store!! When we drove in Monday afternoon, Kevin happily suggested rides on Charlie his horse, even in the rain. They too had a really fun weekend.