This is my friend Haley and I when we went sledding up at The Bachelor Heights Hill in January. My Dad had the day off from work and thought it would be fun to go sledding as a family. Mitchell wanted to know if he could invite his best friend Brayden Flodstrom. My dad said yes so he said I could
invite my friend Haley.Haley had just moved from Summerland and didn't know too many people yet so my Dad said that it was alright for her to come with us.
When we were on our way up Haley brought snacks for everyone to share(her mom made this really good popcorn we asked her for the recipe). She brought popcorn and a water bottle and a juice box for me and her.
When we got up there, there was this one really big hill we were both scared to go on, but after a few runs we did. It ended up being a blast, after we went on it we wouldn't go on any other hill. I hope we can go up there again some time soon.