So it's New Years Even and here we have Vanessa and Melodie who were still with us for the most important part....the food!! I bravely attempted to made my own chicken drumsticks this year, I was attempting buffalo ones because Don loves them so, apparently they were good but not hot enough! I like the terayaki ones. We also had tzatiki dip (one of our favourites started from my Uncle Dimos and Aunt Leonie's house!), a vegetable tray, cheese ball and I made my trifle which usually goes pretty fast! The girls were asked to babysit the Flodstroms that night where they made tons of money.....Don told the Flodstroms, forget the girls, we'll babysit for them next time!! It was fun to have them for awhile, but now that they're getting old, they're usually out at a party.........they have made a few all girl road trips these holidays though, they went to Kelowna for shopping and then Melodie went with her friend Anne to Vancouver for shopping and to see Scienceworld. I am just glad to have them home safe and sound after all that highway driving!

These are the oldies......lol.....our friends the Fraziers, Jon and Sandra and the Piersons, Cam and Deanne stopped by for a visit. We had lots of laughs.......too bad nobody lasted to midnight!!! Actually the Fraziers had to take their little ones home to bed and the Piersons were spending the rest of the night with her parents, but it was fun to just get together and visit.

Rebecca and Mitchell loved staying up for New Year's! This was their first year staying up all night so they were pretty excited.....here they are with Brayden (Mitchell's absolutely, positively bestest friend) and Jared Flodstrom who were with us until the big girls took them home. The only problem was trying to be nice the next day when you are tired and crabby!!!.... and that was all of us, lol.
Happy New Year 2007....... to friends and family............